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Preparing little minds since 2014.

*Monday to Friday, contact 087 2224224.

Healthy Ireland Smart Start.

Healthy Ireland Smart Start.

“Buttercup Childcare” has been successful in achieving the 2022 Healthy Ireland Award (HI). 
The “Healthy Ireland” health promotion is a programme led by the HSE in partnership with the National Childhood Network to ensure children in preschool settings are supported to adopt a healthy lifestyle in early childhood.  The programme reflects the aim of The Healthy Ireland Framework, to bring all people together with a single aim to ensure the best possible health and wellbeing of our nation.

Last year we incorporated the 5 units of the programme into our everyday experience in the service.  Documenting it on our theme and supporting children with a healthier option, emotional support, enhanced physical activity, unbroken nutritional choices and oral health awareness. We set this bar not only in our preschool session, but throughout our whole service including afterschool children receiving the benefits. 

We continue today with these new improved practices as we look forward to a healthier future for all.  We would like to thank you the parents for the healthy lunch boxes you continue to provide. I would like to thank all the team in Buttercup Childcare for their outstanding hard work and enduring with the procedures and continue to do it today seeing a massive improvement in the health and wellbeing of the children and families attending our service having a positive impact on children’s lifestyles and behaviours.

Early Childhood Ireland National Annual Awards 2021

Early Childhood Ireland National Annual Awards 2021

We at Buttercup Childcare are delighted to have been awarded the 2021 National Award “Transitions for Children”. We would like to pay a tribute to our wonderful team of staff on the ground, as this would not be possible with out their hard work and dedication to their roles. A special mention to our children and their families who continue to work with us in the implementation of the best possible childcare practice all year round.


Where your little treasure is our highest priority

At Buttercup Childcare service, we aim to provide the best possible care for the children, parents and staff of our service while guaranteeing that they are exposed to a positive experience in a safe and caring environment.

What our happy parents say

Our Childcare Credentials